Face Cream For Men: 6 Reasons you Should Start Using a Face Cream Today
Skin care is no longer a woman’s thing. If you still perceive skin care regimens to be a feminine thing, it’s time to change that perception. Your woman might actually be wondering how to tell you to take care of your skin because it might be too rough, full of pimples or blemishes.
True, you might not have learned how to take care of your skin when growing up, but times have changed. It might be intimidating at first, but you’d don’t have to go too hard when it comes to skin care. You can start by using a simple face cream for men to improve your appearance.
Why men should use face creams
Makes you more attractive
Attractive skin does not come magically. Most people with skin with good looking skin take the effort to make it appear so.Taking care of your skin can reduce blemishes, acne, or the appearance of scars. Skin care regimens can make your skin smoother and completely fade away dark spots.The right remedy can also brighten, clear up acne and smoothen your skin. If you want the ladies to start turning their heads whenever you happen to pass by, start taking care of your skin today and you’ll notice the difference.
To keep your skin looking younger
Applying a face cream can make you look younger than you are by making you look 10 or more years younger. Some skin care creams contain antiaging properties that make your skin suppler making it appear plumper. Some products also stimulate collagen which is essential for giving way for newer and fresher skin. From time to time, your skin needs to shed the old cells to give way for newer ones hence the need for skin care products. If you have fines lines and wrinkles, you might find that taking care of your skin can help reduce them or avoid them from appearing.
Makes you look responsible
Bad-looking skin might depict neglect and carelessness. Your skin’s condition is the first thing that someone notices when they look at you. A good cream can dramatically improve your appearance which might show that you take time to look good. Not using a face cream, on the other hand, can make your skin appear lousy a thing that might display neglect.
A woman might feel safe to date or get married to a man who takes care of his skin because it depicts responsibility. If you take time to give your skin some TLC, you will be portraying a character of being a good partner.
Protection against sun damage
The sun is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium which is vital to the growth of healthy bones. Calcium is especially crucial for growing kids and older citizens as it prevents osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become too weak and brittles and, therefore, prone to breaking even after simple falls.
As important as the sun is, it can sometimes have some adverse effects on the skin. The sun contains UVB and UVA that can be harmful to the skin. Harmful sun rays can cause;
- Hyperpigmentation
- Certain types of skin cancer
- Premature aging of the skin
- Sunburns
It’s therefore essential to use sunscreen lotions or creams that contain SPF or sun protection factor. A quality face cream for men that works well is the Facial Fuel SPF 15 Energizing Moisture Treatment for Men. The cream does the following for your skin;
- Revitalizes
- Moisturizes
- Re-energizes
- Refuels
- Protects
The non-oily cream is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that protect your skin against sun and environmental damage. The moisturizer also accelerates recovery from skin damage leaving your skin looking and feeling invigorated.
Make you look healthy
Good skin is an indicator of good health. When you’re dehydrated, malnourished or tired, your skin will be the first one to tell you that you need to give it some attention.
It, therefore, pays to apply a face cream which can make you more attentive to your skin’s condition at all times. Paying close attention to the changes in your skin can help you realize when it’s time to see a doctor to rule out a severe disease.
Moisturizes your skin
Every day, your skin is prone to harmful pollutants from the environment. Sun exposure and sweating draws out moisture from your skin, which leaves it looking dry and flaky. Dry skin tends to accentuate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Applying hydrating serums and moisturizing creams and lotions can leave your skin supple. The serums, lotions, and creams work by adding moisture to dry areas, wrinkles, and fine lines, making it look fuller and hydrated.Besides applying face creams, incorporate the following to make give you better-looking skin;
- Drink 2 liters of water as it helps your skin stay hydrated. Aim to drink more if you like in the tropics or dry areas.
- Avoid oily and deep-fried foods as the oil will end up on your skin clogging your skin pores
- Always wear a wide-brimmed hat whenever you’re out in the sun to protect your face from sun damage. Always remember to apply sunscreen even when wearing a hat.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as they contain antioxidants and fiber that helps excrete waste products
Leave common misconceptions about which gender should take care of their skin in the 20s. Start applying face cream for men today and begin noticing a younger, moisturized and healthy looking skin. The creams can also make you more attractive, and responsible.