Acne is the skin condition that happens when the hair follicles get plugged with dead skin cells and oil. It is a skin condition that can ruin your appearance entirely because they tend to leave scars behind. However, with the advancement in technology, you don’t have to worry much since there is a professional CO2 laser resurfacing treatment for those acne scars known as the fractional Co2 laser.

The fractional Co2 laser is a non-surgical treatment for acne scarring, and it is one of the latest advancement that has the longest wavelength among the rest of the lasers on the market. It only treats the affected portion of skin, and leaves the rest of the healthy skin that is surrounding the area intact, hence promoting faster healing of skin tissues and stimulates the production of collagen. The treatment is conducive to all skin types.

How Does the Procedure Work?

The fractional CO2 laser resurfacing makes tiny microscopic holes into the deeper layers of the skin. The procedure enables the degeneration of healthy, new collagen that smoothens acne scars. The results of Fractional CO2 medication will be noticed as early as within one week as the acne scars will start improving. The improvements following the initial treatment of acne scarring will proceed for up to six months. The healing of the acne scarring is approximately 30-70% after one treatment, although the outcome varies by the patient. Some patients only need one treatment to attain the desired improvement.


What Happens After the Procedure?

After Fractional Co2 laser medication is performed, the client may go home immediately since the treatment works on an out-patient basis. Patients are advised to clean the treated area 2- times per day with cool tap water of dilute vinegar solution and then apply an ointment. Taking care of the treated area helps to avoid the formation of a scab.

After the acne scarring has healed up, use an oil-free makeup to help camouflage the pink to red color which is usually noticed after the Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing. The redness in the area is expected to start fading away after two weeks. It may also disappear entirely after one month. Those with a fairer skin tone tend to have persistence redness than the other patients. Patients with a dark skin tone have a high risk of healing with dark pigmentation, but it can be minimized using a bleaching agent both before and after the treatment.

Other Uses of Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment;

The medication is usually used when someone needs an effective and long-lasting treatment. Apart from acne scars, the medications can also be used on;


Facial scars

Fine lines

Dark Spots

Sun damage

Skin texture irregularities

Benefits of Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment.

It ensures effective and safe treatments for almost every kind of skin types.

It stimulates the body’s natural process of the renewal of collagen in the skin

The treatment gives individualized results since your doctor has the power to control the intensity of the medication.

Fractional CO2 laser treatment offers accelerated healing due to the targeted precision treatment.

Also, it gives an adjustable treatment to meet the client’s specific needs and the desired recovery downtime.

As the latest advanced kind of laser treatment, Fractional CO2 Laser is effective for the treatment of acne scars. Apart from this, it is also used to treat other skin conditions as mentioned above. If you are interested in Fractional Laser CO2 as a beauty treatment, kindly contact to get the best service with professional therapists.