Since the food safety regulations are strict in Malaysia, you’ll want your industrial food-producing factory to run within compliance. Maintenance, therefore, is necessary and that means you must take meticulous care to ensure quality to consumers who buy your food products. In the effort of carefully maintaining a food-producing company, you should take into consideration every aspect. Read on for a maintenance checklist for an industrial food factory.

  1. Know Every Machine and Equipment

Have a list of all machine and equipment on site, so that you are fully aware of what types of machinery and equipment need to be routinely inspected. The goal is to make sure everything is continually running up to par and with ultra excellence. Routine inspections will ensure the quality of your products and the safety of your employees.

  1. Instruct Your Employees

Educate your employees about how to use all equipment and machinery.  This will make things in the industrial factory flow smoothly, production progress well, and workers work safely due to the thorough knowledge of using the equipment and machinery correctly.

  1. Implement Protocol on Reporting Issues

No matter how meticulous you get, bad things happen. Equipment and machinery malfunction unexpectedly from time to time. Therefore it is imperative to put in place a protocol of how employees are to report these types of incidents and to whom they must address the issue. This includes providing phone numbers, email addresses, and the proper forms to be filled out.

  1. Inspect Building Thermography

Building Thermography is the process of producing an image of how a building keeps and releases heat. The procedure should be done by professionals trained in this area of expertise.  It’s an important step that should be done at least monthly to make sure that the building is a safe and conducive environment for food production. The reality is that if the thermography of a factory that produces food is not correct, food may get spoiled or become unsafe for human consumption.  Plants who experience this type of problem could be legally shut down if they do not comply with regulations regarding the right temperatures of their food production environment.

With these tips for good maintenance as part of your checklist, you should be well on your way to seeing your factory run smoothly. It gives you real peace of mind when things at the factory run smoothly since you know that you’re providing consumers with safe and good food.