Just like children from anywhere else in the world, Malaysian kids also enjoy having fun in kiddie parties. Whether it’s a birthday party or a mere gathering among friends and classmates, such a party is a great way for kids to bond with their friends as well as their parents. However, organizing a kiddie party is not a walk in the park. There are so many factors that you should consider to ensure that the party will go smoothly without any hang-ups. Here are some of the most important things you should take into account in planning the anticipated event:


  1. The budget –

The biggest question you need to ask when coming up with the budget is: How many people are expected to attend the party? In most cases, the largest portion of the budget goes to food, especially if you’re hosting the party in your home or backyard. For budget advice, you should ask some of your friends who already held kiddie parties and query them how much they spent.


  1. The theme of the party –

There are a lot of birthday celebration ideas in Kuala Lumpur that you can choose from. You can use the cultural heritage of the country as a theme. Or if you want something more modern, you can use superhero themes or themes from popular children’s movies. Or better yet, you can ask your kid what he or she wants as a theme for the party.


  1. The venue –

You can always hold the event in your home but if you think there isn’t enough space, you can take it to an outside location. There are a lot of establishments in Kuala Lumpur that accept birthday and other kiddie parties. It means additional expense on your part but it’s worth it because the kids will enjoy more.


  1. The guest list –

It’s very important that you make an estimated list of who will be attending the party. This is so that you can prepare the right amount of food and space. It would be a disaster if more people came than you expected and the food runs out.


  1. The invitations –

Make sure to send out invitations at least a week before the party so that the parents will have enough time to plan and prepare.


  1. The food and entertainment –

When it comes to food, you can either cook it yourself or you can get the services of a catering company. And when it comes to entertainment, you have a lot of options but it’s highly recommended that you get a clown. Kids love clowns. If you can’t get hold of a clown, a magician would do.


It would be a lot easier to organize a kiddie party if you are fully aware of all the things mentioned above. The main reason why a lot of parties go wrong is that the parents often fail to plan and prepare in advance. They often end up rushing things the day before the event. That said, you should take your time and plan everything a few weeks before the scheduled date of the party.