

Whether you’ve just moved into a new place or you feel like you need to spruce up your pad, a trip to the furniture store would do you some good. But ask any homeowner who’s tried to look for furniture in the past and they’re likely to tell you that it wasn’t all that easy. From material, design, to cost, there are so many things to consider about furniture before you can even narrow down your options.


Unfortunately, because of the many different choices available, people end up buying a piece and bringing it home only to realize that it’s not actually the right one for them. Steer clear of a bad buy. Read through these 3 common furniture buying mistakes to avoid a purchase pitfall.







  1. Failing to Take Measurements

Yes, that lovely coffee table and lounge chair set could help create the perfect laid-back ambiance in your place. But are you sure you can fit it comfortably into your studio apartment? People often visit the furniture store without taking the necessary measurements before they leave. Things can look smaller or bigger depending on how they’re placed in a room. While a sofa might seem more compact in the showroom, it could take up more space in your home than you thought. Be sure to measure accurately if you don’t want to make double trips to the store.







  1. Forgetting Your Aesthetic

Unless you’re the prototypical college student who buys furniture more for functionality than for presentation, you’ve probably developed an aesthetic in your home. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with mixing and matching different designs as long as they work together. So, before buying that minimalist, edgy, and modern accent chair, think of how it would fit in with the rest of your shabby chic interior. Don’t be easily swayed by showrooms and displays. These are designed to make you want to buy them. Instead, bring a photograph of your home to guide you towards making a choice that will really suit your interior’s aesthetic. For example, before buying , people should keep in mind their present home interior.







  1. Skipping the Maintenance Instructions

That beautiful beige suede ottoman might look like the perfect piece right now. But give it a few years and it’s going to look like a stained, soiled, and dusty disaster. Different materials require different maintenance procedures. Skipping out on that information might bring you to a whole new level of buyer’s remorse. Ask the sales specialist about care instructions and see if you have what it takes to stick to those guidelines to make your purchase last a little longer.



There’s no excuse for falling into a bad purchase. Any decision you make in the store will be your own anyway. Make a guided choice and get only the best for your home by remembering those three common mistakes.